Austin Ponzi Scheme Attorneys
Are you aware of a Ponzi scheme that is fraudulently costing people money? While you may be hesitant to say anything, you may know that the scheme is wrong. It can be difficult to come forward under these circumstances, but state and federal laws are in place to protect and support you if you do.
It is important that individuals feel able to come forward with information so that fraud in corporate or government contexts is reported and stopped. If you are afraid to come forward or you have come forward and you have been retaliated against, our Austin Ponzi scheme attorneys are here to assist you to make sure the process is fair to you.
Do I Need a Ponzi Scheme Attorney?
Reporting a Ponzi scheme can be a difficult task, but without people like you to come forward, it would be harder to keep corporations and the government accountable when fraud happens. The last thing that should happen is for you to be retaliated against or lose your job for doing the right thing and reporting an illegal Ponzi scheme. If you have come forward or are concerned about doing so, an experienced lawyer familiar with Ponzi schemes and how to protect you is vital. A lawyer familiar with reporting Ponzi schemes can assist you with determining whether you are protected as a whistleblower and can help you manage the requirements of reporting a Ponzi scheme.
It is illegal for you to be retaliated against for reporting wrongdoing. This means that you should be free to report a Ponzi scheme without losing your job or being threatened at work. If you have lost your job or been mistreated by your employer for whistleblowing regarding a Ponzi scheme, a specialized attorney can help protect your legal rights to your job and your pay.
Why Choose The Melton Law Firm to Handle My Case?
The attorneys at The Melton Law Firm have your best interests in mind to help protect you after or before you have reported a Ponzi scheme. While the laws and regulations in this area can be confusing, the lawyers at The Melton Law Firm have the experience necessary to help you understand the best course of action in your situation. We are proud of our work ethic and tradition of service to our clients in the Austin community.
John F. Melton is a trusted attorney in the area of whistleblower law, and he will fight for you as you do the right thing by reporting wrongdoing. Since 2011, John F. Melton has frequently been named a Super Lawyer, a highly respected distinction in law. Together, the firm has the resources and knowledge necessary to take on your case, no matter how difficult. The attorneys at The Melton Law Firm will fight tirelessly to make sure you and your livelihood are protected.
Types of Cases We Handle
We handle all types of whistleblower cases, and Ponzi schemes are no exception. A Ponzi scheme is defined by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a scheme in which someone promises a return on your money that is actually paid out of the funds from new investors who are attracted to the scheme. The money from new investors is used to pay older investors to make the scheme appear to be legitimate. However, the scheme tends to collapse because it may be difficult to continually obtain new investors or a large number of investors may try to cash out their investment, and not enough money exists for them to do so.
What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a pyramid scheme?
In both types of schemes, older investors are paid from the contributions of new investors. In a Ponzi scheme, however, the investors usually believe that they are purchasing a real security or investment and are unaware that it is a fraudulent scheme. However, in a pyramid scheme, often there is a product that is being sold at a low profit margin. Participants in a pyramid scheme are often aware that in addition to selling the product, they are responsible to recruit new members and profit from that recruitment. This means that in a pyramid scheme, participants are required to obtain new members, while in a Ponzi scheme, the participants are not actively involved.
Either way, Ponzi and pyramid schemes are matters that the SEC takes seriously, and you deserve to be protected if you report a fraudulent scheme.
Contact Us Right Away
If you have reported a Ponzi scheme and you are worried about retaliation by your employer, the lawyers at The Melton Law Firm are prepared to help you through this difficult situation. Contact us today for a free consultation regarding the specific details of your case via chat or (512) 330-0017.